in my mind

A character in this reality, each of us is a character in each episode. Everyone else is watching in another reality. Who is to say what is known? What if all that is known is just perceived? Everything we know is almost everything that we have been told. If our ancestors figured their own truths, why are we not looking for our own?

-in my mind

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Security "A State of Mind"

As human beings, is not enough to be sure. We look for sureness in everything and we at peace assuming that we have found it. What we do not know is that there is no such thing as sure. Being sure about anything proves right for a short period and after that measuring that we are not in control of our future nor with what is around us. When we think we found security we let our guards down and forget the possibility that there may be glitch in our security that can leave us vulnerable.

Security in many forms; Who one is, job security, status, safety and such. WE ARE NEVER SECURE and so security is only a state of mind.

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Some stories are fabricated, some stories are imaginative, some stories are not your own, and some are factual, but all are stories that is an individuals and he must share so that he feels the world part of him, not just him part of the world