the sound of silence
heart rate rising
but you can't hear it
How could the deaf live in this
it has my knees weak
my heart pound
almost out of my chest
Silence, the fear
that sound is gone
and your screams unheard
because silence means one is alone
I long for music
because silence kills me
death is the sound of silence
silent, do not tell me to be
my body will refuse
if you sew my mouth shot
you will still hear my heart
the pound is the least silent
When there is no sound
and the room pose (picture)
there is no move
Eyes wonder to the next room
Because where there is no body
there is silence (no sound)
new born fear to be alone
with age, one long more for silence
until it is seen
no one in the room
I see silence
As a toddler silence is terrifying. With age, we get used to it and before we know it, we long for it. Silence, I am not used to it. There is so much noise in the World that silence at anytime could be scary.