I was crushed
© EOU 2010
by my first crush
quenched thirst
my soul
the need to be filled
the emptiness came
as her feet stepped past the door
poof, she disappears like magic
but left her faint distance perfume
How did I ever live without her
beautiful flower
that now holds a stench
I hate her in my belief
I need to enter her doors
and take, take, take
take back all that I gave
so that she can feel
the emptiness that no amount
of liquid or substance can fill
I need to enter her backdoor
and take as much as I gave
retract the complements
with no supplements
shake away anything she has on me
sting like a black and yellow bee
burn paper hearts
squeezes butterflies
out of her stomach
cease my beautiful mistake
from ever happening
© EOU 2010